Graphix workshop
18 - 20 November 2024, Paris.
The Graphix workshop will bring together scientific researchers and software developers to discuss the development of Graphix. Graphix is an open-source software hosted on GitHub designed for transpiling, optimizing, and simulating measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC).
The workshop will feature scientific presentations on MBQC, ZX-calculus, hardware compilation, as well as technical discussions on the implementation of Graphix. Two rooms are booked for Tuesday afternoon: one for group discussions and the other dedicated to co-development. This time for exchange is central to the workshop, and we hope all participants will be able to attend.
The workshop will be held at Inria Paris, located at 48 rue Barrault, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Venue information.
The registration is now closed. You may reach us at
Monday 18 November
2pm-2:30pm: Thierry Martinez, Shinichi Sunami and Maxime Garnier, Workshop introduction. The Graphix software: state of play and future developments.
2:30pm-3:15pm: Miriam Backens (Inria/Loria), The circuit model, the one-way model, and the ZX-calculus (slides).
3:15pm-4pm: Renaud Vilmart (Université Paris-Saclay), ZX with discards (slides).
4pm-4:30pm: Coffee break.
4:30pm-5:15pm: Piotr Mitosek (University of Birmingham), An algebraic interpretation of Pauli flow, leading to faster flow-finding algorithms (slides).
5:15pm-6pm: Simon Perdrix (Inria/Loria), Shadow Pauli Flow.
Tuesday 19 November
9:30am-10:15am: John van de Wetering (University of Amsterdam), Optimality of ZX-based MBQC optimisation & circuit extraction beyond gflow.
10:15am-11am: Timothée Goubault (Quandela), Efficient transpilation with Pauli presimulation.
11am-11:30am: Coffee break.
11:30am-12:15pm: Vivien Vandaele (Inria/Loria/Eviden), Qubit-count optimization using ZX-calculus.
12:15pm-1pm: Giovanni de Felice (Quantinuum), Fusion and flow: formal protocols to reliably build photonic graph states.
1pm-2pm: Lunch.
2pm-6pm: Discussion about flows, ZX, and optimisation in Graphix / co-development, code review.
7pm: Workshop dinner.
Wednesday 20 November
9:30am-10am: Boris Bourdoncle (Quandela), Photonic implementation of MBQC on Quandela’s hardware.
10am-10:30am: Rajarsi Pal (DIENS/Inria), Generation of random open graph with gflow.
10:30am-11:15am: Coffee break.
11:15am-12pm: Sami Abdul Sater (DIENS/Inria), Veriphix: a library for verified blind quantum computing.
12pm-1pm: Brainstorm on applications/Summary and wrap-up.